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Endowment Fund

What Is The Endowment Fund?

The Endowment Fund was initially established by Wayne Fry and Bill Brown, both of whom have entered into the Lord's care. It was meant to be a financial buttress for our church’s financial health, which has had many ups and downs in the past. Over time, this fund has become a blessing to honor the saints of our past. 

The nature of the fund is that the principle (the gifts in the fund) is protected and preserved throughout the years. The unique way in which these gifts are invested allows them to continue growing over time while generating a significant amount of income, currently 5% of principle, which can then be used to cultivate our ministry while honoring the memory of our donors.


For example, one gift of $50,000 placed in the Endowment Fund will generate $2,500 every year in support of the ministry for generations to come!

Who Contributes to the Endowment Fund?

In memory of James Arnold - $4,800

In memory of Denzel Berry - $1,000

In memory of Janet Berry - $1,030

In memory of Bill Brown - $1,000

In memory of Ron Burchett - $30

In memory of Jarrett Clingan - $1,500

In memory of John Clingan - $1,000

In memory of Wendell Clingan - $1,500

In memory of Jawan Covey - $600

In memory of Norman and Hollis Fry - $2,500

In memory of Patty Fry - $30

In memory of Wayne Fry - $ 15,850

In memory of Gary Gibson - $1,000

In memory of William and Bobbie Griffin - $500

In memory of Calvin Harris - $275

In memory of Helen Landers - $1,050

In memory of Donald Lewis - $200

In memory of Katie Lynch - $600

In memory of Martha Maddux - $13,440

In memory of W. E. Maddux - $20,625

In memory of Darla McFarland - $25

In memory of Amerigo Morsani - $1,000

In memory of Helen Morsani - $1,000

In memory of Barbara Moore - $50

In memory of Claudean Myers - $37,352

In memory of G.L. Myers - $36,832

In memory of Leola Myers - $30,532

In memory of Jessie Nunnallee - $1,100

In memory of Jessie & Betty Nunnallee - $100

In honor of Charles and Joan Price - $1,000

In memory of Charles Price, Sr. - $1,100

In memory of Laverne Radcliff - $1,000

In memory of Spike Radcliff - $1,000

In memory of Joyce Reid - $1,000

In memory of Duane Selvey - $1,160

In memory of Pauline Gibson Selvey - $1,550

In memory of Shari Todd - $350

In memory of Clara Van Winkle - $1,000

In memory of Frances Wallace - $22,927

In memory of Noel and Wanda Watkins - $50

In memory of Nadine Winters - $1,025

In memory of Joan Whitford - $1,750

Who Manages the Endowment Fund?

The Endowment Fund monies are administered by the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation. They are a ministry partner of the Oklahoma United Methodist Annual Conference and currently manage more than $300 million across our conference for local churches and related ministries. 


Wespath Investment Management, a general agency of the United Methodist Church, is the Foundation's primary investment manager. They exclusively deal with the United Methodist Church, investing clergy pension dollars and endowment funds for UM Foundations. Their investment portfolio is in excess of $21 billion. Their investment philosophy is based on a long-term, highly diversified, and disciplined strategy with a proven track record. They choose their companies to support based on the UMC's Social Principles, found in our Book of Discipline. That means all monies generated are from investing in moral companies. Wespath uses their investing power to affect the business practices of very large corporations, helping them to be more transparent and honorable in their dealings. They also invest in international microfinance companies, which directly benefit the poorest of the poor around the world. So any money you give to this fund will be used to be a blessing, not only to our church, but tens of thousands of poor folks across the developing world.

Image by Aaron Burden
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How Is The Endowment Fund Used?

The trustees of our church, in consultation with the administrative board, manage and distribute the funds generated by our Endowment Fund. The fund is meant to add to the ministries of the church, so it is right that, from year to year, funds may be designated for different purposes. The idea is that those who have the best picture of the needs of the church are able to use this money to offset the demands of an annual budget. As the fund grows, the general ministries of our church will be multiplied, as we can increasingly supplement the ministries of the church. In time, our church will be a powerhouse of God's transformative work in the community, as our financial witness perpetually grows. Our church's significant financial commitment in the community will be the ultimate tribute to those saints who built this church and dreamed of it transforming our community.

How Can You Contribute?

There are a number of ways that you may make a gift to the Endowment fund. 


The first, and the most simple, is through an immediate gift of either cash, securities, or property. These charitable gifts offer unique tax benefits and will have an immediately observable impact on the ministry.


Another way to give is through your estate plan. Many Methodists enjoy the ease of giving a small percentage of their estate to the ministries they’re most passionate about. A 10% “tithe” of your will is an easy addition to your estate plan and can be included at any time with little to no cost.


Our dream is to faithfully grow our Endowment so that if may be a source of life here in Nowata.

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Give Here

When giving via the Oklahoma UM Foundation website, please note the church’s account number, #8811.

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